Mar 28, 2021
My Journey One Sunday
We can read the stories of Palm Sunday from all four of the gospels.  But what might that day have looked like if you were alive and in Jerusalem that Sunday.  Here is one version of that story.  Walk in another man's sandals as he recalls what may have happened that day.
  • Mar 28, 2021My Journey One Sunday
    Mar 28, 2021
    My Journey One Sunday
    We can read the stories of Palm Sunday from all four of the gospels.  But what might that day have looked like if you were alive and in Jerusalem that Sunday.  Here is one version of that story.  Walk in another man's sandals as he recalls what may have happened that day.
  • Mar 21, 2021Accept/Stop Passing Judgement on One Another
    Mar 21, 2021
    Accept/Stop Passing Judgement on One Another
    In a nation that has so many people with polarized viewpoints, how can we come together as a church and accept one another?  This is the question we tackle this morning as we look as two closely related one another commands: Accept one another and stop passing judgement on one another.
  • Mar 14, 2021Be Devoted to and Honor One Another
    Mar 14, 2021
    Be Devoted to and Honor One Another
    What does it mean when we are commanded to "Be devoted to one another" and to "Honor one another"?  It all has to do with family.  See how in this sermon from Romans 12:10.
  • Mar 7, 2021Do not Grumble
    Mar 7, 2021
    Do not Grumble
    Grumbling is a common problem that we all have.  It was common in the Bible too.  This sermon shows us many reasons why we often find ourselves grumbling and what we need to do to correct this problem.
  • Feb 28, 2021Be at Peace with One Another
    Feb 28, 2021
    Be at Peace with One Another
    We are called to be at peace with one another and to live in harmony with one another.  Here are 5 practical ways we can obey this command.
  • Feb 21, 2021Do not Lie to/Deceive One Another
    Feb 21, 2021
    Do not Lie to/Deceive One Another
    This is the first in a new series about how we are to relate to other people, especially those within the body of Christ.  Throughout the New Testament we are given commands to and for each other.  I am calling them the "One Another" commands because they include that phrase "one another".  The most repeated is the simple phrase, "Love one another".
    This message starts with probably he most important "one another" commands that the Bible gives- Do not lie to one another.  Honesty is so important in our Christian walk.  If we lie to people all the time, they will not believe us when we share the truth of God's word nor will your fellow believer be able to have true fellowship with you.  Truth is always the best answer.
  • Feb 14, 2021The Love of God
    Feb 14, 2021
    The Love of God
    John 3:16 is a familiar verse but it is a key verse in describing God great love for us.  Today, God is showing us his Valentine Day love for us.
  • Feb 7, 2021Samson- Man of Contrasts
    Feb 7, 2021
    Samson- Man of Contrasts
    Samson is a study in contrasts; Spirit-filled yet tempted by the devil, Noble beginning yet Sad ending, a Deliverer who never delivered.  So he is someone who we should not follow.  As the book of James says, "That [kind of] man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does."  Listen to find out more.
  • Jan 31, 2021Jephthah- The Manipulative Judge
    Jan 31, 2021
    Jephthah- The Manipulative Judge
    There are many people in our world today who are manipulators.  They twist the truth around and convince people they are the ones who should call the shots.  But they have nothing on Jephthah.  He was a true manipulator, but when he tries to manipulate God, he ends his story badly.  Learn more as you listen to this message.
  • Jan 24, 2021Abimelech- The Oppressor Judge
    Jan 24, 2021
    Abimelech- The Oppressor Judge
    Abimelech served almost as an oppressor as well as a judge although the Bible does not give him either title.  But he does give us two lessons from his story.  Listen to find out how this judge helps us in our world today.
  • Jan 17, 2021Gideon- When the Numbers Don’t Add Up
    Jan 17, 2021
    Gideon- When the Numbers Don’t Add Up
    God called Gideon into an impossible task, one where the numbers just did not add up.  How could a 300 man army defeat a 135,000 man army (450 to 1 odds)?  Listen and learn as well as three helps in our life when the odds are stacked against us.
  • Jan 10, 2021Deborah- the Female Judge
    Jan 10, 2021
    Deborah- the Female Judge
    This story about the female judge Deborah gives us two important lessons about how God works in our lives even today.  Listen to find out more.
  • Jan 3, 2021Ehud- The Left-handed Judge
    Jan 3, 2021
    Ehud- The Left-handed Judge
    This unique judge used his uniqueness and uncouthness as well as his undertaking to deliver the people of Israel from a fat king.  Listen to all the gory details in this message about Ehud.
  • Dec 27, 2020The Trial of 2020: A Year in Review
    Dec 27, 2020
    The Trial of 2020: A Year in Review
    We want through a lot in 2020 both in our lives and in our study of the Bible.  Here are some highlights from our sermons from 2020.
  • Dec 27, 2020The Most Wonder-Full Grace
    Dec 27, 2020
    The Most Wonder-Full Grace
  • Dec 20, 2020The Most Wonder-Full Deeds
    Dec 20, 2020
    The Most Wonder-Full Deeds
    God has done so much for us down through the years.  But this Christmas, I just do not want to look at the deeds God has done in the Biblical times, but also what he has done in your life.  How has God blessed you this year?  I hope you take time this season to remember and to thank God for all that he has brought us through.
  • Dec 13, 2020The Most Wonder-full Name
    Dec 13, 2020
    The Most Wonder-full Name
    The names that are given to this baby born 2000 years ago tell us a lot about who he was and what he came to do.  So listen to this message about his most wonder-full names.  Then you too will be able to "join with me in praising the wonderful name of the Lord our God"  (Deut 32:3)
  • Dec 6, 2020The Most Wonder-full Grace
    Dec 6, 2020
    The Most Wonder-full Grace
    Wonderful Grace of Jesus is not just a great hymn, but also the amazing truth from the Bible.  It tells us Jesus came full of grace and truth.  Find out two life changing aspects about grace in this message.
  • Nov 29, 2020The Most Wonder-Full Gift
    Nov 29, 2020
    The Most Wonder-Full Gift
    This is the first Sunday of Advent- a time of anticipation before Christmas.  Christmas time, as a famous song describes, is The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.  And during this wonderful Advent, we are going to look at the wonder-full things God has done for us.  This sermons starts by showing us the Most Wonder-full Gift that God have given to us.
  • Nov 24, 2020Living Contently
    Nov 24, 2020
    Living Contently
    This morning we are looking at how Paul has learned the secret to contentment and he gladly shares this secret with us.  So listen for the answer for contentment in your live of joy as well.
  • Nov 15, 2020Living Examples
    Nov 15, 2020
    Living Examples
    Paul encouraged the Philippians to follow his example.  You too can be an example people can follow if you follow the guidelines Paul tells us about in this passage.
  • Nov 8, 2020Living with the End in Mind
    Nov 8, 2020
    Living with the End in Mind
    Living with joy means living with the end in mind, looking forward to the finish.  Listen for the four ways this is accomplished in this morning's message
  • Nov 1, 2020Living by Faith
    Nov 1, 2020
    Living by Faith
    Paul shows us two ways to live a righteous live.  We can live by faith in ourselves and our accomplishments (which do not amount to anything) or we can live by faith.  Spoiler alert: Live by Faith
  • Oct 25, 2020Living like Stars
    Oct 25, 2020
    Living like Stars
    Like last week's sermon when we talked about living worthy with unity, humanity, and humility, Paul continues to instruct us on how to live like stars and it is about the same message with two additional commands and two examples on how to live with these three character traits.
  • Oct 18, 2020Living Worthy
    Oct 18, 2020
    Living Worthy
    In order to live with joy Paul urges us to live worthy lives.  This means unity, humanity (looking out for others), and humility (with Jesus as our example).  Listen to hear more.
  • Oct 11, 2020Living for Christ
    Oct 11, 2020
    Living for Christ
    To Paul to live is Christ and to die is gain.  In this message, we noted Paul's singular goal was to preach Christ.  And this is what we need to do today as well.  We need to live for Christ.
  • Oct 4, 2020Living with Abounding Love
    Oct 4, 2020
    Living with Abounding Love
    We are starting a new series this week titled "Living with Joy".  Our study will take us through the joy-fill book of Philippians.  And the first thing Paul mentions about Living with Joy is how our love needs to abound more and more.
  • Sep 27, 2020It’s Friday, But Sunday’s Comin’
    Sep 27, 2020
    It’s Friday, But Sunday’s Comin’
    This classic sermon made popular by Tony Campolo was first preached by S. M. Lockridge (listen to the message to find out what the S. M. stands for).  It is often used in part by people around Easter.  But it is about any day that is bad, or difficult, or stressful, or painful.  God has the power to change all of our "Fridays" in to "Sundays".  Here is the link to the video I showed the congregation at the end of my message.
  • Sep 20, 2020A Charge to a Man of God
    Sep 20, 2020
    A Charge to a Man of God
    John Stott shares with us the charge Paul gave to Timothy to be a Man of God and shows us how we to can be men and women of God
  • Sep 6, 2020Making Ripples- Mike Breaux
    Sep 6, 2020
    Making Ripples- Mike Breaux
    This week's message is from another contemporary pastor that we watched via video.  Due to copyright laws we cannot post the message online but you can listen to the message by clicking on the link below or on the video link.  This message was preached by Mike Breaux from New Hope Church in Durham, NC on May 6, 2018.  Mike Breaux- Making Ripples.