July 29

I normally do not do this, but I must comment on what I saw during the opening ceremonies of the Olympics this year.  My wife and I love to take in this experience together every couple of years (summer and winter) and this year we were a bit disappointed.  Both of us felt let down over all.  It was not as exciting or as informative over all even without the controversial parts.  And I felt there were many controversial parts.  The headless singer and the menage a trois (threesome) where disappointing.  But of course if you did watch the opening or have seen images from it since, the most controversial of them all was drag queens sitting around a table.  Now some of since tried to down play what exactly was depicted.  Some have said it was a depiction of the “god of feast/festivals”, which in and of itself would have been bad enough.  But as I watched the scene unfold, I wondered out loud to my wife, “Are they making fun of the Last Supper?”  I could not imagine the organizers would be so blasphemous to do such a thing.  And yet it appears I was not the only one.  Many people took it as such and have strongly criticized it.  I know the organizers had already made light of the Mona Lisa and how the activist have tried to smear it in protest (and how it was depicted as stolen and thrown in the river).  The Last Supper is another one of da Vinci’s paintings, but where as the Mona Lisa is housed in Paris, the Last Supper is not.  So why was the Last Supper picked to be depicted (da Vinci was also Italian and not French)?  In defense of the scene, the organizers talked out both sides of their mouth saying that “We did not mean to stir up controversy” and in the very next statement said, “Art is intended to be controversial”. (not the exact quote but close to it). They also went on to explain that this painting has been crassly depicted before in other forms (so what is the big deal if we do it too). So I believe this was done intentionally and they did not think they would get as much blow back from Christians.  But I was offended and hope that they issue more than just a half-hearted apology (and maybe a retraction of sorts in the closing ceremony). 
Frankly, I do not know what to do in response.  If they were not afraid to offend 2 million Christians world wide, how is one pastor in small town America going to affect them?  But I will voice my disappointment in this form and know that I did what I could to give light to my concerns.