January 6
December 30
Another year has passed us by. And I looked looking back on the sermons I put together this year. It is good to look back every once and a while and see God’s faithfulness. But God also wants us to look forward and not dwell on our past accomplishments. He wants to do new and exciting things to further his kingdom and bring more people to the saving knowledge of Jesus. So as we look into 2020 we need to “let our light shine before others so that they may see our good works and glorify God in heaven”
December 23
Christmas is coming this next week (in just a few days actually). So want to use this opportunity to wish all of you who read these posts a very Merry Christmas. And I hope that your new year will be filled with hope, life, salvation, and joy (the four Advent messages from this year). And as I preached in my message this last week (it is posted under the Media heading), I hope that the prayer for all of us is, “Jesus, I want to get to know you better this year”. This is a prayer for those who do not know much about Jesus to those who have known him for most of their lives. We all could get to know Jesus better.
December 16
As the days are counting down until Christmas, the more we need to expect the Savior. That is what looking for, preparing, and welcoming him are all about. Each season we need to allow our hearts to be open to what he wants to do in our lives. He wants to come and shed a light on us again this year. Whether or not you have a personal relationship with him, our hearts needs that light to shine bright in us. Let it cast aside the darkness that has crept into our lives this last year. Even those who know Jesus sometimes try to hide in the dark. But ready or not, here he comes with his light once again to expose those things we try to hid and get away with. I hope each of us will embrace the light once again this year.
December 9
Jesus came to bring us life. But sometimes that life seems enamored in suffering and pain. And the holidays don’t seem to be much help. As hard as it is to think about for many of us, depression and suicide increase during holiday seasons. Maybe it is the contrast between the outer happiness and joy that is seen around us with the inner hopelessness and sadness that some feel that accounts for this. When we think we should be glad like “everyone else”, but still suffer on the inside, we injure ourselves even more than usual. What many people do not understand is that even though many people seem holly and jolly on the outside, are not always that way on the inside. So do not be discouraged by the masks people wear. The great thing about Jesus is that he can give us the life on the inside that we show on the outside. He can fill the void in our lives. He can encourage us and strengthen us. His Spirit can fill us with love, joy, and peace throughout the year, but most often during our times of discouragement. As my old professor said, “Never forget in the darkness what you have learned in the light.”
December 2
I was able to change a bit of the website this week to reflect the light of Bethlehem. I hope that this light will encourage you all during this season of Advent.
November 25
I am going to make this brief this week because the message was about giving thanks. So this week and the next week and every week after that, find 10 different ways God has blessed you and you can thank Him for. I am sure by this time next year, you can find over 500 different things to give thanks for without a single repeat. Count those blessings. Begin today.
November 18
Money is a sensitive topic. Some pastors worry that if they preach on money it is misunderstood as being greedy. But money is a spiritual issue. Jesus talks about the things about our heart attitude and does connect money with the intentions and inclinations of the heart. As with other aspect in our spiritual life, how we treat and deal with money is vital. If our giving is not consistent, we need to ask ourselves why. If it is not a significant proportion of our income, we also need to examine why. Even if it is regular, automatic, and proportional, we still need to look at our attitudes and inclinations to giving. So whether you are a regular giver or not, we need to look at how our heart is involved. I hope that we continue to evaluate all of our spiritual disciplines (prayer, Bible reading, church attendance, communion, giving, witnessing, etc.) on a regular basis to see if they not only practiced but done with the right motives and heart sensitivity. For where your treasure it, there your heart will be also.
November 11
Well, I am continuing to heal this week from the cold/sore throat I had over the weekend. I am thankful that God allowed me the strength of voice to preach on Sunday. He is a great God. I am grateful He has allowed me to be a minister for Him and to serve Him with the talents He has given. I know that God has blessed me with this ministry and with the wonderful people here at GMC. And I plan on continuing my service to Him at this church until He calls me elsewhere. As I preached Sunday, I pray that He gives me the wisdom to use my time wisely and to make the most of every opportunity. May the Grace of our loving Lord be with you all.