August 23

  I normally would not do this and I want to preface everything I am writing below as purely personal.  I am also writing this special devotional on Friday because I do not want to wait until Sunday. 
  The Democrats have just finished their DNC in Chicago this week and I was horrified how hard they pressed into legitimizing killing babies.  Sure they couched it in “reproductive freedom” ,”something between a woman and her doctor”, “personal autonomy”, “women’s health”, and other clever euphemisms.  But the bottom line is clear.  They are all in on murdering in cold blood any and all babies they deem unworthy of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Despite their “patriotism” and championing women’s causes, they want to deprive the most innocent among us of the same freedoms they so boldly claim for themselves.  Killing babies is not freedom.  Killing babies is criminal and should be treated as such for both the woman and her doctor.  It should be legislated against in this country in the same way and with the same consequences of first degree, premeditated, cold blooded murder.  Because that is what it is.  But more than half the country have now been convinced that unborn babies do not have rights and can be freely killed with no consequences or regrets.  We are becoming a culture that accepts killing among us.  And they wonder why some teenagers can be so “heartless” to commit mass school shootings.  Is it any wonder that the black population (which unfortunately has the highest poverty and crime rates), is killing each other in the streets when Planned Parenthood targets that same population with abortions?  And yet no one makes that connection between these statistics?  When you promote a culture of killing and death, the result is going to be more killing and death.
  All of this was brought to a head when I read this opinion article by Jim Daly.  Jim is the president of Focus on the Family.  And today he wrote a great article about this.  I would encourage you to read it here. 
  He was just as disgusted as I was at the blatant disregard for human life on display in Chicago this week.  Like me, he found all the euphemisms for murdering babies appalling.  Just think how different the convention would be if every time they said reproductive freedom, they said killing the unborn.  If, instead of a woman’s right to choose, they said removing a baby’s right to live.  Instead of freedom, they said death.  Instead of abortion, they called it what it actually is, murdering an innocent life.  A baby is not just a glob if unwanted tissue like a form of cancer that needs to be excised from a woman’s body, but future life that given just a bit of time will grow into a sentient and valuable member of society. And yet the DNC treated abortion as if it were fun.  One line from the above article hit home with me when it said, “Reducing the killing of innocent children to a carnival-like attraction reflects the escalation of a crass and cavalier attitude toward innocent life.”  How true and how sad.  Killing is like a carnival ride that everyone has the “right” to take.
I also find it ironic that the same group that claims to want to protect woman’s rights, takes those rights away from women if they are still in a womb.  What about their rights?  What about their protection?  What about their life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?  Don’t they count too?  People do not have the choice to choose to murder anyone else in our culture, why do we have the choice if they are simply not yet developed enough to walk and talk?  Murder is murder.  Life is still life.  This is another reason why even the “exceptions” to abortion (rape, incest, life of mother) also are not justified in killing a baby.  It is a baby not just a fetus (or other nebulous term).  It is life.  Remember too the Democrats are supposedly the party of “science”.  Yet they deny the science about when a baby is alive.  They do not want to know when brain waves start or the heart starts beating or when they can start feeling pain.  Most of this actually takes place before the mother even misses a period or realizes she is even pregnant.  They deny these things because they just want to get rid of the “inconvenience”.  But a baby is not an inconvenience as inconvenient as caring for a new life might be.  It is a life.  A God-made, God-designed, God-planned life.  They may interfere with our plans, and make our lives more complicated, but that is no excuse to commit murder.
I close this long rant with a passage of scripture from Deuteronomy, “I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore, choose life, that you and your offspring may live.” (30:19)