November 4

Get out and vote tomorrow.  Not only is it part of the freedoms we have as Americans, but it is also a duty of every Christian.  As we looked at last week, we all have been given “talents”- gifts and abilities that we are commanded to use for God.  And our vote is one of those talents.  Do not “bury” it in the ground.  Use it to express your beliefs and vote for the candidate you believe would lead this country in the right direction.

October 28

“Well Done!”  “Thank you for service!”  “Welcome Home!”  Who does not want to hear positive affirmations like these?
They are much better than the alternative that we will look at in a few weeks with the parable of the sheep and the goats.  But how much better will it be when we hear them from the ultimate judge and Father up in heaven.  As I mentioned in my sermon on Sunday, I know three people who heard these words just in this last week.  And my hope is that everyone reading this devotional will here it.  But it calls for faithfulness on our part.  We may not be perfect or as talented as others or as rich and able to to give, but faithfulness is what God is calling for.  Whatever God has entrusted you with, use for his honor and glory to the best of your ability and those words will be heralded into your ears when you stand before him one of these days.

October 21

Are you faithfully working in God’s fields without complaining or wondering what you will get out of it.  God is faithful and he will reward you according to your work.

October 14


October 7

Just got word that Pastor Marvin and Sue will not be moving this week as planned.  The plumbing in the apartment they were going to move into needs a bit more time to be ready for them.  So they will be sticking around until mid November now.  So if you did not get a chance to say goodbye to them on Sunday, you may be able to get another chance this month.

September 30

Sowers sow. What punctuation would you put at the end of that sentence? Is that just a statement with a period to you? Or would you put an exclamation point and make it a command?  Or is it still just a question in your mind?  How you answer that question tells me a lot about how you view the parable we looked at Sunday. So Sowers Sow.

September 23

You can be lost without knowing it.  You can be lost and do not know the way back.  You can be lost and ready to return.  And you can be lost and refusing to return.  Wherever you are at, God is looking for you.  He wants to be found.  Sometimes that means he will search diligently for you.  Sometimes the Holy Spirit will speak to you.  And sometimes God is just waiting with open arms ready to love you fully.  Do not turn your back on God.  Fall into his ever-loving arms and experience the grace that only he can give.  God loves and cares deeply for lost things.

September 16

Until this week, I never thought about how the parable of the Good Samaritan is a picture of Jesus.  Like the despised Samaritan, he was despised and rejected.  And he reached out to those who hated him and brought us back to health.  You see, Satan had robbed us and left us half dead.  And we would have died if left out on that barren road.  But along came Jesus and he took care of our needs and paid the price for our life.  So now when ever you read the story of the Good Samaritan, you can also thank God for our Great Samaritan- Jesus.

September 9

This week in our area there is a huge festival celebrating pumpkins.  Yes, you read that right.  Actually Morton, IL is the known as the pumpkin capital of the world.  Somewhere around 75% of all the pumpkin pie filling sold by Libby’s in America is made in Morton.  And so for 4 days each year, they celebrate everything pumpkins.
Speaking of celebrating, God is always at work in each of our lives.  From small blessings to large prayer requests answered, God is doing things in your life.  Take time this week to celebrate what God is doing right now with you.  And feasting with a piece of pumpkin pie might just put you in a thankful mood for God’s blessings.

September 2

Labor day is a day that we rest from our labors.  Even Jesus took a break from his ministry every now and then to refuel and recharge.  And if Jesus needed it, we too need it.  So take some time today to not just rest but allow God to refuel and recharge you.