October 17
Flying our banner as we fight the battles here on earth is an important component to victory. But we need to remember that “we do not battle primarily against people who want to cheat us, affect our political system in ways we disagree with, or who want to put shows on television [or in our schools] that shouldn’t be there.” (Enns commentary on Exodus pg 361) “Our battle is truly spiritual, and it occurs in the many situations we encounter every day that vie for our attention and attempt to make us less fit for heaven . . . The battle is all around us, and it is waged in many unexpected and barely perceptible ways: the friendships we keep, fear of the future, the words we use with our spouses and children that show our self-centeredness, our avoidance of prayer, the corruption of simple pleasures that God has given us and so forth. In other words, the battle does not concern the grand, obvious things that we sometimes think of: the direction our country is headed in or the state of the church at large. (pg 361)
October 11
Paul says in Philippians 4:19, “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” This was true back in the days of the wilderness wanderings after the exodus from Egypt. And it is still true today. But like the Israelites we sometimes forget this wonderful promise and complain and grumble like they did. But there is no need to do that God already knows what we need before we even ask him (Matt 6:8). This should encourage us to leave it in the Lord’s hands. But, if you are anything like me, this is easier said than done. However, it is a good reminder about how God loves us and takes care of us, even to our most basic needs (like water and food). A good lesson from Exodus!
October 4
Much of the sermon this last week was about the location of Mt. Sinai and where the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea. But while the place where Mt. Sinai and the crossing is in doubt for the most part, the fact that God did part the waters of the Red Sea for the Israelites to pass through on dry ground is not in doubt. This was the hand of God reaching down at that point in history, at a particular place, with his people and performed one of the most famous miracles of all times. It happened. And even if we do not know the when and where, does not negate the fact that it did happen. And as we learned, God sometimes brings us to the point in our lives where he will part the waters for us figuratively to bring deliverance in our lives. He can and he does. No doubt about it.
September 27
Fall is officially here. And with it pumpkins, apple cider, leaves changing color and cooler weather. It is a wonderful time to see God at work. Imagine a God with the power to change each individual leaf on each individual tree to it’s own unique color. I am not saying that this is the way God does it, but I know he has the power to do it this way. After all, he knows ever star in the sky (Ps 147:4) and every hair on our head (Matt 10:30) and every sand on the seashore (Gen 22:17). So just a few leaves are nothing to him. Oh praise the greatness of our God (Deut 32:3)
September 20
September 13
September 6
Well we are in the month of September. Fall is just around the corner and the winter months are just ahead. This time of year reminds me of times in my life that are dry and barren. The green of spring and summer dry of the leaves and caused them to fall off the tree as if they were dead. We all go through times in our lives when hope fades, difficult times start, and things look lost. But just like the seasons, God brings us through those times of deadness and dryness into new birth again. But how does God do this in our lives. This is what we are going to dwell on in this next sermon series on a way through the wilderness and see what God does during this time. And just as the first couple of chapters in Exodus show us, many times God starts out behind the scene. But that does not mean he is not there. He is just starting to call people who will help us get through the wilderness.
August 30
We have just finished looking at our purpose. I hope that all who listened to the messages feels their unique call on their lives to God and his will. God has given each of us different personalities, different backgrounds, and different experiences in order to reach certain people. I hope you feel up to the task because God has given you all you need to meet the challenges before you as you seek to accomplish God’s purpose for your life.
August 23
One of the wonderful ministries that this church is a part of in terms of overseas mission is our Let’s Sew program. Once a month some of our ladies in the church get together and sew sundresses for little girls and short for little boys. These are sent to some of our missionaries overseas to give to boys and girls whom they are ministering among. So far this year we have sent out over 100 dresses and 20 pairs of shorts. And we got another 60+ dresses and 20+ shorts that are all put together to send out in our next shipment. Providing some much needed clothes is just one more way we are supporting our missionaries in other countries.