September 20
September 13
September 6
Well we are in the month of September. Fall is just around the corner and the winter months are just ahead. This time of year reminds me of times in my life that are dry and barren. The green of spring and summer dry of the leaves and caused them to fall off the tree as if they were dead. We all go through times in our lives when hope fades, difficult times start, and things look lost. But just like the seasons, God brings us through those times of deadness and dryness into new birth again. But how does God do this in our lives. This is what we are going to dwell on in this next sermon series on a way through the wilderness and see what God does during this time. And just as the first couple of chapters in Exodus show us, many times God starts out behind the scene. But that does not mean he is not there. He is just starting to call people who will help us get through the wilderness.
August 30
We have just finished looking at our purpose. I hope that all who listened to the messages feels their unique call on their lives to God and his will. God has given each of us different personalities, different backgrounds, and different experiences in order to reach certain people. I hope you feel up to the task because God has given you all you need to meet the challenges before you as you seek to accomplish God’s purpose for your life.
August 23
One of the wonderful ministries that this church is a part of in terms of overseas mission is our Let’s Sew program. Once a month some of our ladies in the church get together and sew sundresses for little girls and short for little boys. These are sent to some of our missionaries overseas to give to boys and girls whom they are ministering among. So far this year we have sent out over 100 dresses and 20 pairs of shorts. And we got another 60+ dresses and 20+ shorts that are all put together to send out in our next shipment. Providing some much needed clothes is just one more way we are supporting our missionaries in other countries.
August 16
August 9
Prayer is the bread and butter of the Christian life. Communication with God is so important. He longs for it and commands it and answers it. And when we pray for others, we get our eyes off our own problems and needs and lifts up others needs and issues. It does soften our hearts to them and show our love for them, which as we have learned is another command given to us by God. I would even encourage you to focus all this week on intercessory prayer. Put your own wants and wishes on hold and focus solely on those are you. Pray for God to work in their lives. I think you will find that praying for others will end up benefiting you.
August 2
Have you ever noticed how many worship songs there are about the Christmas time? “Come let us worship the King. Jesus the Savior is born”, “Come and worship, Worship Christ the new born king”, “Prayer and praising, all men raising, Worship him, God on High” (We Three Kings). And those are just the ones off the top of my head. There are others about kneeling or bowing down, adoring (another word for worship). But what about worshiping Christ at other times in his ministry? I did enjoy the three worship songs during the service (We have Come into this House, His Name is Wonderful, and Thou Art Worthy). They emphasized many points of my sermon; Forgetting about ourselves and magnify the Lord, bowing down before him, adoring him, praising his worthiness. We need to worship more and complain less.
July 26
One of my points in the first part on Jeremiah 29 is to prosper where God has planted you. That does not mean that God cannot or will not decide in his plan to move you. But not matter where you are at, God has put you there for a particular reason. God can and does sometimes uproot us to transplant us in other locations, but for the most part that is rare and when it happens God makes it abundantly clear. So do not look for “greener pastures” before you begin fulfilling God’s plan. Start now. Be a disciple maker in your town or neighborhood.
July 19
I did not post last week because I was on vacation with my family. I had a wonderful time to refresh by body and soul. One thing I knew I could count on was that God still showed up. He doesn’t take vacations or time off. He is with each of us 24/7/365 wherever we are. He was with me in Florida as much as he was where you were. And he never leaves us. What a mighty God we serve.